Academy Placements
The Radiology Academy is a rotational teaching placement delivered in ST1 and ST2 Clinical Radiology & Nuclear Medicine training in the North West. The comprehensive programme of radiology and is delivered by NWSOR Lecturers and Consultant Radiologists from across the region. The aim of the programme is to develop core skills and knowledge for reporting and performing ultrasound. The content of the programmes is guided by the RCR curriculum.
In ST1 this is split into 10 sessions across the week with each session lasting 3-4 hours . The sessions cover the knowledge and reporting skills for all core radiology subspecialty topics. There is an emphasis on plain film interpretation and emergency cross-section reporting to ensure trainees achieve the required level of skill for responsibilities in ST2.
Ultrasound training is organised and delivered by a Consultant Lead & Clinical Lecturers with support from the NWIA Ultrasound Academy and Sonographers. US training is comprised of theoretical, followed by practical scanning on live and simulation models. There are two formal assessments in ST1 to ensure competence and progress.
In ST2 we introduce simulation teaching in Interventional Radiology as well as further ultrasound training and are introduced to further focused modality teaching in paediatric and gynae radiology.
During academy placements, trainees review and report radiology images, discuss findings with tutors , present cases to peers and undertake regular assessments.
Regular assessments are undertaken during the placement which provide evidence of progress for work placed based assessments on Kaizen
The NWSOR Radiology Academy is fully managed and facilitated through Google for Education Workspace to enable sharing of educational material, facilitate assessments and provide online teaching when required. Each trainee and tutor has access through a dedicated NWSOR account.
The Academy Teaching takes place across the working week Monday-Friday and is a mix of face to face and online at Altrincham Health & Wellbeing Centre for ST1s.
The ST2 Academy will be based between Blackburn Hospital , Alder Hey or The Christie. Teaching takes place across the working week Monday-Friday and is a mix of face to face, online & simulation.
There will be Interventional Radiology training at the IR simulation suite Aintree University Hospital, and Ultrasound sim lab sessions based at Salford and Cumbria Universities.
Before starting at the Academy you are required to read:
An educational contract is required from all NWSOR Postgraduate Drs in Training