The NWSOR provides exam focused teaching programmes ahead of the RCR sittings of FRCR Part 1 - Physics & Anatomy, FRCR2A & FRCR 2B
Exams dates and registration are fully managed by the RCR
ST1 trainees will sit FRCR Part 1 comprises of two modules – Anatomy & Physics. This is aimed to test the knowledge learned over the year which you will apply in interpreting radiological studies. The exams are held on consecutive days in March with a resit opportunity within the training year usually in June.
Trainees must have FRCR Part 1 to progress to ST2, if unable to obtain within the training year, an extension to training will be explored at ARCP. Your Educational Supervisor will support you through the process.
There are highly regarded revision courses which take place in the North West which the Academy Team will circulate, these are usually around Nov - Jan for both Anatomy and Physics. An overview of the exam content is found on radiology café.
Often ST2s will have books to hand down. They will also have links to a massive online cache of textbooks and past papers resources
In ST3 trainees will sit the FRCR Part A examination - trainees must have 24 months within the training programme before applying to sit. There are two examination papers (each paper is three hours in duration) examined by single best answer (SBA) covering all imaging modalities, and including some anatomy and techniques. There are 2 attempts to sit per training year in April and November.
A focused FRCR2A online academy programme will be available in a block before each exam sitting to support trainees in the six topic areas: Cardiothoracic and Vascular, Musculoskeletal and Trauma, Gastro-intestinal, Genito-urinary, Adrenal, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Breast, Paediatric & Central Nervous and Head & Neck.
Trainees must have FRCR Part A exams to progress to ST4 trainees, if unable to obtain within the training year, an extension to training will be explored at ARCP. Your Educational Supervisor will support you through the process.
In ST4 trainees will start to prepare for the final FRCR Part B examinations - trainees must have 34 months of training before applying to sit the exam. There are multiple sittings through the year. This exam examines on all aspects of clinical radiology against the training curriculum and is sat in two parts. A reporting exam (rapids) and an oral exam (vivas). A focused FRCR 2B online academy programme will be available in a block before each exam sitting in the two formats delivered on MS Teams Channel which also supports the format of the exam to take control of the mouse and access functionality to manipulate images.
Trainees must have the final FRCR Part B exam to CCT. Supportive ARCP outcomes at the end of ST4 will be explored for trainees who have not achieved the exam.
Please direct any exams queries to or 020 7406 5905.